Medical Suite Cloud + 1 Year Contract @ $200.00 a Month
This system transforms all the information concerning your patient’s injuries into the exact format needed by the insurance adjusters handling these claims. This medical report can be imported directly into Demand Online by your patients’ attorneys.
Sale $5,500 Plus 1 year contract at ($200.00 Per Month)
Medical Suite Cloud Includes a daily note software, ICD-10 and CPT Code software as well as a medical report writer driven by the daily recording into the SOAP software.
- Access Anywhere With Any Device
- Ability to Customize Software & Worksheets to Match Physician/Clinic
- Color Coded Physician/Assistant Worksheets for Ease of Use
- Capability to Completely Customize Software and Forms to Physician/Clinic
- Creates Both Daily SOAP Notes and Medical Reports
- Automatically Creates Timeline of Significant Value and Severity Drivers
- Automatically Listing of Possible Missing Drivers
- Patient Listing With Search & Sort Functions by Patient, Insurance, Attorney, etc.
- Capable of Electronically Sending Notes and Reports
- Compatibility With Our Legal Software Allows Electronic Transfer of Patient Data
- Automatically Completes Your Patients’ Demands with DOL Attorneys
- Automatically Completes Your Patients’ Demands with The Free Assist-My-Claim App
- Free Individual Patient Consulting
- Pre-Formatted Paragraphs and Statements
- Code Express ICD-10 & CPT Search Function Built-In Function for Accurate Coding
- Free Patient Worksheets to Match Insurance Industry Software
- Free Upgrades
- Free Training
- Free Tech Support
- No Networking Necessary
- Automatically Networked With Our Legal Customers
- Pre-formatted Response Letters to to Reductions, Denials, IME’s and Reviews
- Free Individual Patient Claim Consultation
- Built in Analysis of Missing Information
- Built in Dictionary
- Built in Library and Storage for Medical Discussions
Easy to use and quickly creates reports with a click of a button. The program will save all documents to your current text editor. This system transforms all the information concerning your patient’s injuries into the exact format needed by insurance adjusters handling these claims. The medical records can be imported directly into Demand Online by your patients’ attorneys.
“Medical Suite Cloud” also educates you and your patient concerning the process, which will be utilized by the Insurance Industry in evaluating your patients’ injuries, symptoms, complications, significant drivers for payment of medical treatment based upon treatment duration and frequency insurance drivers (10,720).
This window of opportunity for physicians to to actively participate in supporting maximum settlement authority exists today for those physicians utilizing “Medical Suite Cloud”. By following the program’s format and utilizing the color coded forms from the very beginning (The first meeting with your patient), you will understand for the first time the Insurance Industry’s process. The program leads you through your patients’ treatment documentation step by step in recognizing value drivers you probably were never before aware of. “Medical Suite Cloud” asks specific questions concerning all the significant value drivers. As you enter the responses to these questions, “Medical Suite Cloud” is creating the daily treatment record and formulating a report, which will be transformed into an initial, intermediate and final Medical Report Letter on your text editor (i.e. Word, Word Perfect, Correl, etc.)
While entering this data, “Medical Suite Cloud” provides specific information on the definition and significance of all available factors, which will support treatment billings and increase the value of your patients’ claims. The Final window in the “Medical Suite Cloud” program allows you to create a paper and electronic report letter by simply clicking on the “Create Document” button. The report letter and daily SOAP notes are now ready to send to the patients’ attorneys or their Insurance Carriers, appropriately formatted with accurate terminology.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity. There is no other product anywhere as comprehensive as “Medical Suite Cloud”. There is no other product as powerful or effective as “Medical Suite Cloud”. Every report and daily SOAP record created without the use of “Medical Suite Cloud” fails to support treatment billing and leaves settlement dollars that should have gone to your patient instead of the pockets of the Insurance Industry.
Don’t be the last Medical Facility to realize the exciting benefits of “Medical Suite Cloud” or any of the other new products offered by Sequoia Visions, Inc